Which atomic models are dedicated to whom?
This is an overview on who is eternized in the largest crystal structure model in the world. Atomic models (=balls) are defined by coordinates x / y / z (axes are depicted in the real model). On this screen, there is only one layer in z-direction visible at a time. The 35 layers of the model can be selected by pressing the quadratic buttons with the respective numbers (e.g. [1] shows all balls with coordinates x / y / 1, [2] shows all balls with coordinates x / y / 2,... [35] shows all balls with coordinates x / y / 35). Within each layer x-value rises from left (1) to right (35) and y from top (1) to bottom (35). Next to the map, you can find the names and logos of the sponsors. By selecting them, you can see which balls are dedicated to whom. On the site Take Part, you can find information on sponsorship and return service.